18 December 2007

NJ Death Penalty: A Classic Tale of the Left

There's a lot of layers to peel away in this one, so I'll just start from a random point, a headline from an AP article:

Some Decry N.J. Death Penalty Abolition

Leftist Tactic: Media Bias. Proof.... is "SOME" defined as....

A recent Quinnipiac University poll showed New Jersey voters supported keeping the death penalty by 53 percent to 39 percent. The telephone poll of 1,085 voters was conducted from Dec. 5-9 and had a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The media headline would make this appear as the minority of people wanted the death penalty kept in tact. However, by a 14% spread, the public wanted this option kept open. That's a rather large spread, and is a classic example of the media showing bias in reporting.

Leftist Tactic: Conceal Agenda from Electorate, Push Radical Agenda, Disregard the Electorate

You know this was planned by the Liberals in the Jersey legislature for a while, yet was not once mentioned during the run up to the last election cycle. Had it been an issue, given the public's strong sentiment in favor of the death penalty, the liberals would have lost big. Making it even more cowardly to usurp the rights of the electorate, why not put it to a referendum? I'm a firm believer in Federalism, and each state should hold the right to decide on capital punishment, but that is not what happened here, the legislature punched it down the people's throats without any of their input, that is the people's will, the source of all legislative power, granting them this authority. Additionally, we run into another..

Leftisit Tactic: Bow down to the UN.

The radically socialist UN (see my Global Warming Posts) is staunchly opposed to the death penalty and lefties will bend over backwards to appease their socialist buddies across the ocean. The UN has time and again condemned the United States for the use of capital punishment, a right granted to us in our republic if we so choose as an electorate. We see the UN screaming at us anytime an inmate is executed after due process and numerous appeals including the use of DNA evidence. However, mum is the word when China and Iran (who account for nearly 95% of executions world wide) execute people indiscriminately.

Just to show you the Moonbats are everywhere, the morons decided to march across the Free Bridge from Phillipsburg, NJ into the town I grew up in of Easton, PA. Sadly, I was not off today, or else I would have been down there to voice my opinion for majority rule, you know, the power of the electorate that is fully intended to decide how the legislature should set laws. I can almost guarantee it's the same moonbat crew who protests down by the intersection of PA-378 and Delaware Ave by where I now live in Bethlehem, PA. Mindless, socialists drones. It's sad really.

Finally, I'll leave you with this though. I'm actually opposed to the death penalty in most cases. Crimes such as child rape and murder, law enforcement murder, the murder of our military, serial killings, serial rapists, etc are the types of crime which this penalty should be enforced and judged according to the laws of each state. Personally, it's a very tough issue for me as I do not believe in taking a person's life, be it when they are in the womb or out of the womb. However, that being said, the privileges granted in jail are asinine. There is no reason to give cable, weight training equipment, etc to inmates incarcerated for heinous crimes. The main point here is the power of the vote. The residents of New Jersey favor the government, and the legislature has stolen the right of the people of New Jersey to set their own laws, and that is an outrageous usurping of the people's power. I wonder if Jon Corzine feels the least bit bad that the man responsible for the creation of Megan's Law was spared the sentence imposed by the citizens of New Jersey. The father of Megan Kanka, Richard Kanka, is holding out hope that the inmates have more respect for the will of the jury than does Corzine and his leftist allies:

Megan's father, Richard Kanka, is still hopeful the men won't see old age. "The only thing we can really hope for is somebody in jail will knock off these guys," he said.

Keep an eye on Rissa's site, I'd Rather Be Right, as she just may get an answer straight from the horse's ass...I mean mouth, as she has been calling a direct line to the Governor.


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