17 January 2008

At Least 37,200,000 Babies Murdered Since 1976

According to a new article out today on Boston.com. The article reports on a study that shows that the number of abortions performed in 2007 was 1,200,000, the lowest since 1976. Horrifically, the number drop may be partially attributed to the availability of the Murder Pill, RU-486. So keep in mind when Liberals and Democrats go on TV to talk about how much they value life, when they betray our brave men and women in uniform who are fighting to give Iraqis and Afghans a chance at a richer and fuller life, just how much they care about life. They care so much that they minimize the effects of abortion and how much human life is lost per year. They care so much about the environment that some groups even encourage murdering babies to protect the "environment", while they sit back and watch 1,200,000 babies murdered per year. To fully comprehend the number there are only 9 cities in America with a population larger that 1,200,000.


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